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¡Considere un patrocinio hoy!
Eastern Shore Mission of Mercy (ESMOM) es la clínica dental gratuita para adultos más grande que se ofrece en la región de Delmarva y en el estado de Maryland. Ubicada en Salisbury en el Centro Cívico de Wicomico, la clínica está impulsada por la habilidad y generosidad de más de 400 dentistas, higienistas y profesionales médicos relacionados, así como por 1100 voluntarios de la comunidad.

Clínica de 2 días: 13 y 14 de septiembre de 2024
1 Ubicación: Centro Cívico del Condado de Wicomico
2 -Área de Servicio Estatal:
El 55 % de los pacientes son residentes de Maryland (la mayoría de los cuales son de la costa baja;)
El 45% son residentes de Delaware (principalmente el condado de Sussex).
5 programas universitarios y de colegios comunitarios:
El 25% de los voluntarios clínicos y comunitarios son estudiantes de una variedad de carreras dentales y biomédicas.
Estadísticas del evento:
El evento se produce en asociación con la Eastern Shore Dental Society.
Todas las donaciones son recibidas por la Fundación Comunitaria de la Costa Oriental:
1324 Avenida Belmont.
habitación 401
Salisbury, MD 21801
Para obtener más información, comuníquese con el líder comunitario 2024 de ESMOM:
Sue Simmons
Paquetes de patrocinio
Ad in program + Extras
One eighth page ad + inclusion in the list of sponsors in digital program book.
Logo on event website.
Quarter Page ad in program + Extras
Quarter pages ad + inclusion in the list of sponsors in the digital program book.
Your business logo on one dental chair on he arena clinic floor during our two-day Mission.
Logo on event website.
Half Page ad in program + Extras
Half page ad + inclusion in the list of sponsors in the digital program book.
Your business logo on two dental chairs on the arena clinic floor during our two-day Mission.
Logo on event website.
Banner in Clinic Arena + More!
One arena (1) banner hung in clinic arena (provided by sponsor.)
Your business logo on two dental chairs on the clinic floor during two-day Mission.
Half page ad + inclusion in the list of sponsors in the digital program book.
Social media mentions.
Logo on event website.
“It’s a long day” sponsor + More!
Exclusive branding on baskets of complimentary patient support supplies available in WCC restrooms, patient waiting areas and near phone charging stations.
One (1) banner hung in clinic arena (provided by sponsor.)
Half page ad + inclusion in the list of sponsors in the digital program book.
Your business logo on one dental chair on the clinic floor during our two-day Mission.
Social media mentions.
Logo on event website.
Volunteer Badge sponsor + More!
Exclusive branding on the badge holders for 1500+ M.O.M. volunteers.
Two (2) banners hung in clinic arena (provided by sponsor.)
Your business logo on three (3) dental chairs on the clinic floor during our two-day Mission.
Half page ad + inclusion in the list of sponsors in the digital program book.
Social media mentions.
Logo on event website.
Patient Education Tote bags + More!
Exclusive branding on 1,400 tote bags with follow up care supplies and information.
Two (2) banners hung in clinic arena (provided by sponsor.)
Your business logo on three (3) dental chairs on the clinic floor during our two-day Mission.
Half page ad + inclusion in the list of sponsors in the digital program book.
Social media mentions logo on event website.
Digital message board sponsor + More!
Logo and messaging included on internal Civic Center message boards
Three (3) banners hung in clinic arena (provided by sponsor.)
Your business logo on five (5) dental chairs on the clinic floor during our two-day Mission.
Half page ad + inclusion in the list of sponsors in the digital program book.
Social media mentions.
Logo on event website.
T-Shirt Sponsor + More!
Logo included on event t-shirts provided to 1500+ volunteers.
Three (3) banners hung in clinic arena (provided by sponsor.)
Your business logo on five (5) dental chairs on the clinic floor during our two-day Mission.
Half page ad + inclusion in the list of sponsors in the digital program book.
Social media mentions.
Logo on event website.
- Mission Naming Rights Sponsor Levels -
Volunteer Hospitality & Support Services (V.H.S.S.) Sponsor
Logo and messaging posted on professional sign boards located at volunteer check-in, hospitality, and command center (Flanders conference rooms and lobby, WCC)
Four banners hung in the clinic arena (provided by sponsor)
Your business logo on seven (7) dental chairs on the clinic floor during our two-day Mission.
Half page ad + inclusion in the list of sponsors in the digital program book.
Social media mentions.
Logo on event website.
Patient Registration Sponsor
Logo and messaging posted on professional sign boards located at patient registration, adjoining waiting areas and at registration workstations (Arena front lobby area, WCC).
All other promotional benefits listed under volunteer hospitality sponsor level.
Medical Assessment Area Sponsor
Logo and messaging posted on professional sign boards located at the first medical assessment post staffed by area nursing and health professionals (DeNang conference rooms, WCC).
All other promotional benefits listed under volunteer hospitality sponsor level.
Dental Radiology& Medical Triage Sponsor
Logo and messaging posted on professional sign boards located at the second and third medical assessment post staffed by area dental, nursing and radiology professionals (Midway Auditorium, WCC.)
All other promotional benefits listed under volunteer hospitality sponsor level.